The past few days I have really felt the burden and heaviness I was feeling being lifted. I was seriously stressing out about getting the financing for our new home and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at all. BUT I am feeling a lot better about it.
First off, Monday was sort of the peak of my stress about it and I really felt like the Lord was asking me to fast that day. So I fasted and just had liquids throughout the day and I also did not login to Facebook. Those two things really helped me eliminate some mental clutter and start the week off on the right foot. I also have been turning the tv off throughout the day and we are all benefiting from the quiet. I am trying to put into practice some of these methods to manage my stressors better and prevent meltdowns and freakouts.
Second, like I talked about in my last post I reached out to close friends and asked for prayer about the financing. I truly believe people are praying and it is calming my spirit down. So thank you! If you are one of my many friends who never comments but you are praying and reading please continue! Your prayers are working.
Finally I feel like God has really been placing reminders of His faithfulness in front of my eyes all week. From text messages, tons of scripture, messages from friends, other blogs, songs on the radio and so many little things I can't even list out I truly believe that He is reaching down and showering me with peace and acceptace, trust and JOY in the midst. I will give HIM all the GLORY and all the HONOR in the process, no matter what happens. I won't sit around and be fearful, anxious, cranky, upset, discouraged and negative. Instead I will lift my eyes up and enjoy the climb. I feel like I am walking out of a valley and I want to experience the glory of the climb instead of running up the mountain with my eyes closed. I want to look around and see each step forward and up instead of blindly clamoring. I want to relax in His promises instead of stressing over my own insecurities.
I realized today that so many of my fears are rooted in our circumstances. Being a 1.25 income household, having 4 little kids, being a military family. GOD placed us in these circumstances for a reason and I will make the choice to HONOR that. And in return I truly feel like He will honor our commitment and faithfulness. He will see us through!
I am a Proverbs 31 woman and so are you. I love "she laughs without fear of the future" What JOY we can find in our circumstances. I will not FEAR for the Lord MY God is with me.
What love we are graced with each day, How Great is Our God!
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