Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Funny Punkins

Tonight Rob had class so Max and I had some time to do something fun. He came down HARD and FAST with a horrid high fever on Monday night and it would not come down throughout the night. We ended up having to do multiple sponge baths in the middle of the night to bring it down from it's ugly 103-104 range and he still woke up burning like a fire.

SO off to the pedi we went where we tested NEGATIVE for the flu *yippee* and positive for strep with drainage in the left ear and an early infection in the right ear. *not yippee worthy*

Since getting on meds and officially bumping up to the big boy world of CHILDRENS tylenol and motrin versus the baby infant versions we have our feverish boy under control and he is back to bouncing off the walls.

Since fall has finally fallen Max has developed a LOVE affair with the PUNKINS and he shouts whenever we see them. We got our own BIG PUNKINS about two weeks ago and they were sitting so loverly on our porch. I have to admit I was kinda nervous to CARVE one of our punkins for fear that Max would melt into a screaming hysterical mess that *I* his own mother would so brutally hurt his beloved punkins. So I showed him some pictures of Jack O Lanterns to broach the subject and he was overly excited about the Funny Punkins.

Off we went onto the porch to make our punkins funny. I had a butter knife, a small spreader thingy and Max insisted on bringing the corkscrew. Scratch that plan, our punkin was a good 3 inches thick. So we came back inside for a Sharp *knife in Maxinese*, then we needed a bag for our guts, then we needed a spoon for our guts. # trips in and out and we settled in for Funny Punkin Making 101.

Our Funny Punkin

Don't let him fool ya, he refused to touch the guts.

Draring with the Shappie.

*Drawing with the Sharpie in Maxinese*

Cute Boy

We got one BIG punkin!

Heartbreaker, I tell ya.

This is how a 2 year old boy stands nicely by the pumpkin.

Checking out the detail work.

And yes, he is KISSING the punkin, not licking it, kissing it. I swear.

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