Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Just for posterity sake…

At Max’s 10 month appointment he weighed 24 pounds, was 30 inches tall and was in 80th percentile for both. His head is 60th percentile. He has a bigger body than head, haha! He is full on toddler running now and being one crazy kid. The most precious thing happened yesterday, he was home sick and Rob called. I put the phone up to Max’s ear and he started “talking” and then very clearly said, “ Dada? DADA!” It was so cute!

Since starting my weight loss plan with my Dr. on August 14th I have lost 3.2 pounds. I have 63.8 pounds to go. I have still been counting calories and exercising several times per week. Somehow I hurt my right knee so I am back to walking versus walk jogging. Hopefully it will get better in a few days. Monday (08.25.08) I started BABES at church. It is a 12 week program and my BABES goal is to lose 30 pounds in this session. That is 10 pounds per month, wish me luck~

Dave Ramsey-We are still following our budget and debt snowball. It has been tough lately because July was slow for me at work so things are still playing catch up.

Deployment-We are now 88% done with this deployment! Can you believe it? Rob should be back home with us in about 7 weeks. We haven’t gotten any details on homecoming yet but we are getting oh so close. We are trying to not countdown because it makes time crawl by.

Power of a Praying Wife-Still praying, still loving this book. I have started meeting with an accountability partner on Fridays and we are discussing this book together and praying for our husbands. It is a very powerful time. I have also started Beth Moore’s study on Daniel and have started attending Titus II women, a women’s bible study class on Sunday mornings before service. In just my two short visits I have had one lady lay hands on me during prayer and tell I would achieve great things and another speak a prophetic word to me. WOW…it is mostly women older than me but I enjoy it immensely.

Ministry Opportunity-I have been in contact with the director and have completed the testing phase. According the Myers Brigg testing I am an ENFJ…the analysis was pretty accurate. I am now waiting to be brought in for a second interview. Leaving this one in Gods hands!

So this post is more for me than you lovely readers. I needed to play catch up and record my progress in these various endeavors. Thanks for playing and praying along!

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