Wednesday, September 21, 2011

He is Faithful

He is.

Recently I got such an awesome reminder of that. There was something that I had been struggling with for about a year and a half. I really really wanted Rob and I to join a Life Group. We had been invited to one with a friend of mine but I work on the night they have theirs. I was so sad because I really really enjoy all of the people in their group. But it just didn't work out. Then when we were close to having Stella it just wasn't a good time. We needed to spend that time focused on our relationship first and then worry about a small group later. Being pregnant with the twins and working and being a momma to M&S and being a husband to Rob took a lot out of me last year and our schedule was packed. There just wasn't a good time to commit to a weekly group.

On top of that Rob was hesitant. Rob is an amazing leader for our family but the idea of going to someones house, who we didn't know and "sharing" was intimidating. Heck I am the extrovert here and it intimidated me! Plus it seemed like every group met on Weds nights...the night I work at the dance studio.

All I have done for the past 3-4 months is pray about it. I say that's "all" but really isn't that "everything" Prayer works friends.

Then we entered a series at our church that was ALL about connecting. There was a LG connection event that I really wanted us to attend and Stella was sick.

The next week we sat through an entire service about HOW and WHY you should join a LG and what EXCUSES were preventing it.

Are you seeing the pattern here? God was slowly beating me over the head with a 2x4! Literally within the HOUR I got a text inviting us to check out a LG. OH I wanted to but I just knew they met on Weds. NOPE they meet on Thursdays and the campus across town offers childcare. FREE childcare.

I talked it over with Rob and we decided to give it a shot. I am SO thankful we did. We really enjoyed it and felt very comfortable. I am excited to get to know the other women better and for us to enjoy this weekly time as a couple.

He is FAITHFUL. Even when things don't come in our time, or things don't seem to be working out...eventually in HIS time HE WILL MOVE. He is faithful, all the time!


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