Friday, November 4, 2011


Today we are talking about GIVING to others who are not as fortunate as we are. we have wayyyyyyyy too many toys in a small house so today we are going to go through our toys and fill a tub to give to Goodwill. We remind Max of how many toys he gets for his birthday and Christmas and let him take part in selecting what toys he is ok giving to kids who may not have any.

Another thing we choose to donate is kids clothes. We have been so blessed by the generosity of hand me downs so instead of consigning our kids clothes we simply give them to others. I have 2 baskets and 2 trash bags full! We are going to sort and seperate them today for some friends who appreciate hand me downs as much as we do! We also plan to give to my friend Gabby who works at a family center where they house mothers and kids.

I feel like we have this many kids clothes!

Todays RAOK is DONATE!

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