Friday, May 11, 2012


We put together a contingent offer on a big old house that we loved. We were hesitant about the school district but we really loved the house and we could see ourselves hosting get togethers in the backyard.

And then our offer was declined.

We didn't cry, we didn't worry, we didn't stress. We knew that it was unlikely that our offer would be accepted because it was contingent on the sale of our house. Instead of throwing ourselves into despair we threw ourselves into getting our house ready to go on the market. We met with our realtors, we hammered another sign into our yard, we cleaned and repaired and painted.

For Sale.

And then the showings started. And they kept coming. And coming. And coming. And coming. We lowered the price. Which generated more showings. And more, and more and more.

And not one single offer.

I cried, I stressed, I fretted, I prayed a lot, I cried out to God, I questioned, I whined, I complained and I threw more than one good old fashioned hissy fit. I redid my entire kitchen, put half my belongings in storage and burdened my husband with my worries. I frantically scrambled to get my house ready for last minute showings, drove around with dirty laundry and dirty dishes in my car and I yelled at my kids. It was NOT pretty.

For close to 4 months I did it. I packed up 4 kids, 1 dog, myself and at least 2 loads of laundry and wasted time and gas while we showed our house. I wondered "If it's not happening so easily, is it meant to happen at all?"

One thing kept me pushing forward. My husband. I should say God right? But really all I was hearing from God was "Trust your husband" I would pray and pray and pray and that was His response.

"Trust Your Husband"

So I did. I wanted to quit, I wanted to stop, I wanted to take our house off the market and stay put for another 5 years. I wanted to GIVE UP. But Rob kept saying No. He wanted to fulfill our obligation and keep pushing FORWARD. One evening, driving around during a showing he told me that maybe nothing good was going to happen as long as all I was doing was stressing out and being negative. And then we fought. But in my gut I knew he was right. So I decided to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME and work on changing my attitude about the entire process. And then God moved.

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